What if the Left Acknowledged Religion?
If they did we might be able to have serious conversations about God instead of ignoring Christ
Once we unite and live in communism hell will no longer be on earth and heaven will no longer be beyond this world; everything which has been presented to us by Christianity in prophecy and phantasy is about to be wholly realized in the true human society according to the eternal laws of love and reason.
-- Moses Hess “A Communist Credo”
Following Marx the left takes great pride in its post religious scientifically enlightened atheism -- so much so they overlook or intentionally deny the actual science.
Science confirms the fact that humans are hard-wired for religion.
What if the left could acknowledge this fundamental truth?
For the left, acknowledging religion would mean the immediate demise of their political program and the end of their moral monopoly on truth and reason.
In other words to accept religion would be to accept the demise of their cultural hegemony.
For if the left acknowledged religion then religion would be closer to being restored as a co-equal way of knowing along with science and Marxism’s status as a so-called science would be less significant in comparison. Accordingly Marxism would have one less leg to stand on.
Likewise if the left acknowledged religion then they might finally recognize what is to us quite obvious -- that Marxism itself is a religion. After all Moses Hess, a co-contributor to the communist religion with Marx and Engels, clearly says as much when he acknowledges communism as an alleged continuation of Christian prophecy.
And this too could trigger a deeper realization. Members of the radical left might notice how instead of defending the notion of the separation and church and state that they’ve actually abandoned it -- by making the nation’s church the same as the state. At that point the papal authority of Obama and cardinal Biden would be immediately undermined. And people would eventually realize that it’s better to worship God and be happy than to worship the state and be miserable.
Thus when this religious reckoning comes it will no longer be the left casting judgment from on high.
Zigmund Reichenbach holds a M.A. in Philosophy from West Chester University. You can find him commenting on news stories of national and state interest at his Facebook page Zigmund Reichenbach -- Commentator or you can follow him on Twitter @zreichenbach1. Additionally you can find episodes of the weekly Sunday podcast that airs via Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter at this link here.
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