Environmental Protection
Truly protecting the environment means protecting the places we inhabit not just the ideal green picture of nature we carry in our otherwise empty heads
Ed Note: This was intended for this morning at Jan 20th at 8AM. Please forgive the delay.
To truly protect the environment -- that is the environment most suitable and hence useful to people and their various humanitarian interests -- is to protect five necessities.
The first necessity is people -- preferably as many as possible. This is because big and growing populations protect people’s interests by adding to the workforce, increasing humanity’s overall brainpower, and expanding the amount of diversity we’re able to come into contact with.
The second necessity is ideas. When ideas are as abundant as big populations then more possible solutions are available to life’s problems.
The third is markets. Markets facilitate exchange which allows for greater innovation and collaboration. When societies don’t have markets -- either of ideas or tangible goods -- their culture stagnates and suffers from ideological and economic rot.
The fourth is energy. With abundant energy humans are able to transform their wishes and dreams into reality and successes. From beautiful monuments to plentiful housing, nothing is possible without abundant energy.
The fifth is labor. People have to be committed and incentivized to use manpower to reshape and alter the world in order to make it better and safer for all of humanity’s inhabitants.
It’s these five necessities that characterize the human environment. And it’s these five necessities that need to be protected and respected by the elite. Instead the elite are advocating for the very opposite of environmental protection -- they’re advocating for green asceticism and the destruction of civilization. Go figure.
Zigmund Reichenbach holds a M.A. in Philosophy from West Chester University. You can find him stirring up conversation in his Talk Politics Facebook group or you can follow him on Twitter @zreichenbach1. If you too want to talk politics subscribe to our Talk Politics YouTube to be notified when our discussion goes live every Tuesday at 8:30PM.
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