The Profitable Simplicity of CRT
Because there's so little to CRT it makes teaching it a lucrative career path for lazy professors
CRT and other Marxist theories are so culturally pervasive for one reason: their profitable simplicity.
Professors like the easy money that comes with making simple ideas sound more sophisticated than what they actually are.
Likewise they also enjoy the special status they get from lecturing inattentive children about tribal racism. It gets them recognized in academia and guarantees them undeserved tenure.
And for these pretend sympathizers with the poor, downtrodden, and oppressed they particularly appreciate how teaching CRT makes them unassailable within their own ranks.
After all, nobody -- aside from Trump! -- can fire a loving advocate for the helpless!
All this is, of course, exploitative nonsense.
For under the guise of tackling injustice, unambitious professors seek to make America’s racial problems worse so they can sell more books and hence gain more status.
Call this the Ibram X. Kendi method.
Such a method allows the unscholarly and unoriginal to profit by giving their petty grievances a false veneer of sophistication and importance.
Although the left has been doing that for decades, that's not tackling racial injustice at all.
To tackle racial injustice we need more than the nanny state and their thoughtless proxies to scold mostly clueless students about a problem that predated them.
Instead what we need is less. We need less government, fewer professors, and fewer universities. For until we’re more critical of these people and institutions, and the racial theories they espouse, we’ll never vanquish the racism they try so hard to foment.
Zigmund Reichenbach holds a M.A. in Philosophy from West Chester University. You can find him commenting on news stories of national and state interest at his Facebook page Zigmund Reichenbach -- Commentator or you can follow him on Twitter @zreichenbach1. Additionally you can find episodes of the weekly Sunday podcast (4PM) that airs via Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter at this link here.
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