The Politicization of Love
The moral monopoly of love on the left has made us blind to government injustice
Over the course of the last two hundred years the collectivist left has stumbled upon a convenient truth -- namely that the idea of love can be used to win elections.
In this way the notion of love has become crudely politicized.
But because openness and attentiveness to inner emotions is a part of the left’s unique political psychology, they’ve seized the opportunity to capitalize on their natural advantage.
This began with “utopian” socialists.
Having no money, no understanding of political theory, no artistic or literary talent, and no position in society, socialists appealed to what little they did have to gain influence: their petty emotions. Accordingly, socialists argued for free love because the traditional means of earning love through the possession of an attractive skill or trait eluded them -- and so they were desperately reduced to giving and receiving free love mostly to each other.
And they called these noncommittal activities “progress” and deemed their cheap and dirty relations “love.” In their mind these desperate, unmarried, and non-child bearing acts were essential to socialism.
Go figure.
A century later other leftists have followed suit by further politicizing love to advance their social programs. In the 60’s, for example, socialist hippies used the idea of free love to attract new men to advance their political goals. Likewise Obama used the idea of love and marriage equality to help conceal his own true love -- which consisted of bombing foreign nations, bankrupting our economy, and using federal agencies to spy on political enemies.
Now that’s love.
And as long as love remains a politicized concept we can except more of the same -- to have hearts manipulated to commit acts our rational minds would never fathom.