Transparency is inadequate for good governance because it’s based on a defective visual metaphor.
Transparency, for instance, suggests a lack of visual clarity. But in today’s world there’s plenty of transparency -- most government officials frequently appear on TV.
The world of politicians is, clearly, too transparent. While we see politicians on social media and TV we rarely hear them say anything substantial or offer any significant debate about hot button issues.
Instead their busy grandstanding on TV for donor dollars. Or they’re busy appealing to the frustrations of their constituents.
But what members of Congress almost never do is refine and enlarge public opinion.
Yet this is exactly what the founders’ expected of our representatives. As it says in the Federalist 10.
“The … difference between a democracy and a republic are: … the delegation of the government, in the latter, to a small number of citizens elected by the rest …
The effect of the … difference is … to refine and enlarge the public views, by passing them through the medium of a chosen body of citizens, whose wisdom may best discern the true interest of their country, and whose patriotism and love of justice will be least likely to sacrifice it to temporary or partial considerations.”
To forget this duty then is to overlook what it means to be a representative. Yet current representatives don’t believe they have this duty but just a duty to bring home a win for their party.
And while transparent grandstanding may deliver electoral wins for partisans, it rarely delivers wins for the people as the founders so clearly wished.
Zigmund Reichenbach holds a M.A. in Philosophy from West Chester University. You can find him stirring up conversation in his Talk Politics Facebook group or you can follow him on Twitter @zreichenbach1. If you too want to talk politics subscribe to our Talk Politics YouTube to be notified when our discussion goes live every Tuesday at 8:30PM.
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