The advent of COVID brought forth an inflection point in our nation’s history. It revealed that our republic is at a crossroads between tyranny from the executive branch and freedom through parents’ prerogative.
Initially scared and confused Americans choose tyranny.
Under the soothing rhetoric of authoritarian governors the majority supported mass lockdowns and government paychecks in exchange for compliance. Plus the political class loved COVID because such comforting deceptions could be used to win elections.
COVID 19 quickly became a political strategy for the 20’ election.
Here’s how it worked.
By forcing everyone to stay inside there would be ample time to watch TV programs saying just how vile the 44th president was. And with nationwide convenience voting, i.e. mail in voting, the vengeful left could finally take down -- and attempt to permanently demoralize -- an ascendent and unabashedly more capitalist Republican party.
This was the plan all along.
But gradually strange things started happening. While the 44th president and two Senators from Georgia lost, the public began coming to its senses. They realized that no one can stay home forever and that people have to work either for their own financial well being or for their own mental health.
Likewise concerned parents finally became aware of the always present tyranny lurking in public schools. When their children were forced to wear medically unnecessary masks for the sick pleasure of germaphobes and other paranoid types they gained a greater appreciation for freedom.
Thus after generations of abundance and easy going comfort and trust in traditional institutions, otherwise decadent Americans could actually see the value of work and school choice. Work provided a much needed reprieve from needy children and cooped up spouses. Plus when everyone else was working things were actually much cheaper. And school choice would guarantee unelected administrators and compliant school boards would never have the power to make medical decisions for children that don’t belong to them.
At that point parents -- realizing the error of the ways -- began choosing freedom.
Shortly thereafter Glenn Youngkin won running on a platform of respecting parents’ rights and growing the economy.
The tide had turned for parents in their fight for freedom.
Now the ultimate test lies ahead. Will parents reject the COVID politicians and institutions that tried to leverage the virus for personal gain? If not we can expect another national disaster to plague our country with the apparent failures of a corrupt government.
Zigmund Reichenbach holds a M.A. in Philosophy from West Chester University. You can find him commenting on news stories of national and state interest at his Facebook page Zigmund Reichenbach -- Commentator or you can follow him on Twitter @zreichenbach1. Additionally you can find episodes of the weekly Sunday podcast that airs via Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter at this link here.
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