Should We Demonstrate “Solidarity?”
Will calls for solidarity with Ukraine help or hinder our nation?
In times of crisis or great adversity collective action may be necessary to force political change.
But in other times calls for solidarity are as exploitative as they are deceitful.
Consider the current calls for solidarity with Ukraine.
On the surface these calls seem sincere and meaningful.
But in practice these bleating calls drown out the justified scrutiny of our corrupt administration by appealing to the people’s heart.
And with the abundance of generosity in the well enriched hearts of a market loving middle class Americans can’t help but be more concerned for Ukrainians than they are with criticizing the Biden regime.
That is the sinister appeal of the term “solidarity.”
By flooding people with emotions in the name of solidarity negligent and ineffective presidents can get a free pass for stupid policy decisions.
Consider the other problem with this vague idea.
To be in “solidarity” with another group means trading in one’s own personal interests and life satisfaction for to be a part of nameless mass organized by the elites and union bosses.
Thus the calls for solidarity boil down to this: the masses feeling a false sense of altruism while sacrificing their identity to appease and cover for the manipulative elite.
There’s nothing particularly liberating about that is there?
Therefore we must guard ourselves from the clutches of deceptive media narratives that essentially ask us to sacrifice our individuality -- in the name of solidarity -- in exchange for better poll numbers for the current regime. For without the just criticism of the current regime they’ll never have any incentive to change their America destroying ways.
Zigmund Reichenbach holds a M.A. in Philosophy from West Chester University. You can find him commenting on news stories of national and state interest at his Facebook page Zigmund Reichenbach -- Commentator or you can follow him on Twitter @zreichenbach1. Additionally you can find episodes of the weekly Sunday podcast (4PM) that airs via Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter at this link here.
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