Security as a Luxury of the Elite
What the outbreak of the virus reveals is that only the elite have a claim to security.
The blue collar worker has no security when his job moves overseas.
The debt ridden graduate has no security as extended lockdowns make it difficult to find jobs to pay down their excessive debt.
Parents can provide no security for their children as virtual learning threatens their kids’ ability to compete with liberal elites’ privately educated children.
The elderly have no security as COVID infected patients are mandated to be accepted in the same facilities.
Those in domestic relations have no promise of safety as the upset and unemployed abuse their partners at record levels.
Even the poor have no claim to security. Although certain debts of theirs may be forgiven, or utility and rent payments postponed, the jobs they used to have were destroyed by COVID closures.
The only people being kept “safe” from the virus are the elite. Only the elite
have the resources to advocate for forever lockdowns and government handouts that won’t harm their bank accounts much at all.
The only thing capable of being damaged in the world of the elite is their egos. However by cooing at the public and pretending the government can be used to effectively help the middle class, the elite believe they’re no longer culpable for ruining the livelihoods of so many. If the messaging is positive then the outcome must be too, or so the elite think.
In the world of the elite security is a selfish delusion and one they’re all too happy to indulge.
Zigmund Reichenbach holds a M.A. in Philosophy from West Chester University. You can occasionally find him covering news stories of national interest at Real News or you can follow him on Twitter @zreichenbach1. To support the creation of articles like these visit the RootsRSNG’s Patreon.
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