Note: Sorry this wasn’t out at 9am. I thought I had scheduled it for then but apparently not.
The best welfare program is the expansion of the middle class.
That means more marriages with more loving families and more children.
It means respecting the dignity of work instead of smearing it as exploitation.
It means trusting people to keep their tax dollars so they can best provide for themselves and their communities.
It means allowing businesses to thrive without the threat of government regulators lurking behind every corner.
Only by changing our cultural attitudes to embrace family, work, and saving can we have anything close to improving the citizens of our nation’s welfare.
In doing so we’d be able to improve the real “health, happiness, and fortunes of a person of a group” for real people.
And a failure to do so will be catastrophic for our nation’s future.
For when we fail to care for ourselves and those around us politicians will pretend to care and do so for profit and prestige.
It happens time and time again.
Whenever citizens are unable to have normal families with two parents the government steps in and plays the role of mommy or daddy.
Except the nanny state has no incentive to see dependent children become adults. Instead the government’s incentive is to create repeat customers that are dependent on their services.
This means creating a neo-peasant underclass that serves the power interests of the government elite.
Such unwitting service isn’t real welfare.
It’s polite oppression by smiling bureaucrats who express private contempt for dependents while expressing public joy from the status they’re able to gain from serving them.
We need real welfare, not false government assistance, and that starts with having normal families again.
Zigmund Reichenbach holds a M.A. in Philosophy from West Chester University. You can find him stirring up conversation in his Talk Politics Facebook group or you can follow him on Twitter @zreichenbach1. If you too want to talk politics subscribe to our Talk Politics YouTube to be notified when our discussion goes live every Tuesday at 8:30PM.
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