Capitalism didn’t place wealth in the hands of the few.
Instead it opened the door for any person to earn as much as they can get if they want it.
In reality, wealth in the hands of the few is known as “government.”
And government always has the incentive -- when it lacks robust competition within its ranks as it does today -- to concentrate wealth in the hands of the few.
By making everyone poorer, self aggrandizing politicians can make themselves look richer in comparison.
In reality these politicians who enable such practices are worse than bankrupt -- they’re willfully small and resentful.
Accordingly, carrying out imaginary revenge is what these politicians live for. And this means blaming capitalism for the very actions they themselves engage in.
The government, for instance, regularly concentrates wealth in the hands of the few by partnering with powerful figures in the private sector. Together they then work together to paralyze the growth of the rest of society -- either through regulation or through competition destroying laws -- so the elite can maintain their status without having to compete.
But either implicitly or explicitly the politician always blames his big business partner for stepping on the little guy, thereby creating the further threat that unless business complies with big government more revenue or job destroying legislation will be on the way.
And there is no convenient or simple way for business owners to escape these government extortion schemes.
If there was business owners would have figured out -- instead of bending the knee to the politicians who despise them.
Zigmund Reichenbach holds a M.A. in Philosophy from West Chester University. You can find him stirring up conversation in his Talk Politics Facebook group or you can follow him on Twitter @zreichenbach1. If you too want to talk politics subscribe to our Talk Politics YouTube to be notified when our discussion goes live every Tuesday at 8:30PM.
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