Capitalism and Waste
The socialist disparagement that capitalism is excessively wasteful misunderstands the actual problem
The ubiquity of waste in capitalist economies is a sign of great progress.
After all, ubiquitous waste is the natural byproduct of a greater and life enhancing abundance.
And this abundance is the proud product of productive people in great nations.
For which everyone should be appreciative of, even if it means life won’t always be tidy, neat, and trash free.
Compare this to communist countries.
In some communist countries there is no waste because cunning politicians are constantly coming up with new ways to keep their populations dumb, dependent, and desperate.
Accordingly, not only are ordinary citizens deprived of the power and pleasure of productivity, but they’re also unable to make enough stuff to have anything to waste.
In other communist countries, like China, only bureaucrats reserve the right to be wasteful.
There, for instance, bureaucrats mandated the construction of millions of ghost homes.
Which haunt the otherwise bustling country with a ghastly emptiness that is symbolic of communism’s underling and despairing futility.
Even then, ubiquity of such waste in a communist country is a sign of great competence.
Competence in intentionally wasting human potential through deprivation, miscalculation, and willful naivete.
And this is the difference.
In great countries like America waste is visible to everyone because it’s a result of competent efforts to produce for a market that everyone frequents and benefits from.
In communist countries waste is hidden because of the government’s competence in censoring its citizens and hiding its mistakes.
Maybe then in communist countries what’s needed is a strong and healthy recycling program — one where bad dictators can be converted into free market leaders.
Zigmund Reichenbach has an M.A. in Philosophy from West Chester University and works as an advocate for less government. You can help him combat bad ideas in politics and philosophy by donating to his work at .
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