For normal middle class Americans, candid speech is a virtue.
It’s a virtue for at least five reasons.
First candid speech helps us get a sense of the world for what it is -- good, bad, or indifferent.
And when we have an idea of what the world currently is we can then gain the insight to know what improvements can and should be made in society.
Second candid speech also allows the various costs of life to be accurately assessed.
That way the various and costly stupidities of the world can be safely avoided and people can pursue more productive pleasures.
Third, listening to candid speech also has the virtue of making people more tolerant of views and people they disagree with.
Which prevents people from venting their violent frustrations on people or property.
Fourth, candid speech upholds the integrity of one’s culture. After all candor is the basis of trust -- and societies where trust is absent are hubs for crime and poverty.
Fifth candid speech is essential to making sound political judgments.
After all, you can’t solve a problem if people aren’t free to candidly discuss problems in the first place.
Candid speech, then, is a great virtue.
But for tyrants, and other enemies of liberty, candid speech is intolerable.
Tyrants hate candid speech because candid speech often reveals that no one can live up to their high minded rhetoric and utopian expectations.
Or, in other words, tyrants hate candid speech because it reveals ugly truths that destroy the beautiful lies tyrants tell themselves and others.
Which shatters tyrants’ glass egos.
So speak candidly -- and topple tyranny through honesty and integrity!